Introduction to Digital Transformation

Let’s start off by acknowledging that there is no unanimously accepted definition of Digital Transformation. Internet searches for a definition of Digital Transformation bring us to some common themes: reinventing business processes, bringing about a cultural change and loud computing. This is a good enough premise to get started.
Let’s get the fundamentals right and the boundaries defined:

  • Why reinvent a business process? Clearly, to deliver greater value to the customer. Why? Is our customer suddenly demanding more value – Yes, they are. How? Isn’t it just another phase of negotiation – No, the customer is armed with information now.
  • What is the cultural change? It is the much-needed people transformation – digital fitness is becoming a mandatory section in all resumes, highlighting new set of skills needed to survive, flourish and lead businesses as data becomes ubiquitous.
  • How much of it is driven by technology? IoT, Big Data, Machine Learning, Analytics, Mobility and Cloud Computing – what is the right mix of technology for success.

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